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Old January 6th, 2019, 05:29 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Thunder Bay, ON
Posts: 462
Hi Punchbuggy;

sorry to hear about your problems with Namine. So flinching around the tail sounds an awful lot like Hyperesthesia
(also known as rolling skin syndrome). It's a sign of a stressed-out cat, and what makes it hard to pin down is there are so many causes for it. Some things that cause it are: new house or dwelling, strangers coming in the house, the loss of an animal or human, and the list goes on. I am dealing with the same problem with Yogi one of our cats. He is coming up on 11 years and this problem has been going on since he was 2. The symptoms up until recently have been lite but in the last few months have intensified. I have found a homeopathic remedy that relieves the symptoms - Aconitum 30 C also known as Aconite. Something else worth having a look at for this is CDB oil product of the cannabis plant that is showing very good results as well.

Problem number 2, poop about the house. It sounds as if there is a digestive problem with the cat, as you describe the one stool sample as having a runny liquid around it that is mucosa, and that could be a sign of digestive problems. The finding of stool droppings around the house and not in the litter box indicates that she could be in some sort of pain internally, or around the rectum, and she could be relating the pain to the litter box. If that's the case it could be interlinked with the Hyperesthesia through the pain, as well as other issues.

So I think I'd have to go along with Hazel in suggesting that it might be a wise thing to do is to see a vet. Possibly an integrative vet might be a better bet for your problems due to the fact they can be treated naturally without the use of heavy drugs.

Please keep us informed of your progress with Namine.
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