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Old June 13th, 2011, 03:13 PM
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MyBirdIsEvil MyBirdIsEvil is offline
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I've actually tried feline fresh and it didn't scoop as well for me (I mean it clumped ok, but seemed to fall apart easier) and had very little odor control IMO, compared to clay (plus the only place I can get it in town is SUPER expensive). I guess everyone's sense of smell is different, but for me I didn't really like it.
I've seen some reviews on both the feline fresh and feline pine scoopable tracking, but I actually have noticed way less tracking with this stuff than the clay. I think for those people perhaps their cats don't cover up their urine good or step in it, or they're just not scooping it enough perhaps.
I also saw a review on google about urine going to the bottom and clumping, but I find that odd since I've had WAY more issues with clay (of all brands) as far as that compared to both the feline fresh and feline pine. For me it seems to clump way before it gets to the bottom (so maybe those people aren't filling the boxes far enough?)

This is the first natural litter I've tried that I think I can stick with. If you've tried the feline fresh and don't like it I think this stuff is at least worth a try also.
Or even if you do like it this stuff may be another option also.
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