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Old December 2nd, 2004, 01:38 PM
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petdr petdr is offline
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Posts: 262
Dog seizures

Seizures in older dogs always warrants blood work: a CBC, biochemical profile, thyroid levels. Urinalysis is also important. Chest radiographs, ecg, possibly echocardiography and abdominal ultrasound may be indicated.

Whenever you assess seizures, it is important to notice if there is an extra-cerebral cause or a prinary cerebral cause. Liver, kidney, hormonal, neoplastic (cancer) and cardiac disease may all cause seizures. Brain tumors, whether in the brain or on the menegies (fibrous linings of the brain) may also cause seizures.

Epilepsy is an important cause and may be inherited or acquired subsequent to a major illness or a brain injury, such as a concussion. Inherited epilepsy is usually evident by the time the dog is 2-3 years of age. Ultimately, if this is a brain lesion, then MRI will be needed to confirm and map the extent of the probleml, and if indeed amenable to surgical removal.

Menigial tumours are very amenable to surgery. It is time to visit your veterinarian, and if possible a veterinary neurologist.

Naturally, it is entirely possible that this seizure was a one-time event, however there is no guarantee that this is not the beginning of a trend.

Dr. Van Lienden

Dr. Raymond Van Lienden DVM
The Animal Clinic of Clifton
12702 Chapel Road, Clifton
Virginia, U.S.A. 20124
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