Thread: Dog dementia
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Old October 25th, 2015, 02:25 PM
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Hi Super Wanda:

I am sorry to hear about your problems with dementia in your dog, it can be extremely difficult to deal with.

I was doing some research the other day on essential fatty acids, and came up with some information that might be of some value to you. I had some vets a few years back recommend that I start my crew on fish oils as a supplement for EFA's due to the fact that commercial pet foods were lacking in them severely, due to manufacturing methods. Now I have switched to homemade raw food, and I am still using EFA's as well. Now I'm looking for better product like Krill Oil, or Greenlip Muscle Oil when I came across this info.

I am including some websites for you to browse through, and come up with your own conclusions. Product that caught my eye was Moxxor , it might be worth a try. Problem is it will have to be brought in from the States, and it's relatively pricey when you figure in the exchange, but one bottle might give you some idea if it works or not, and if it's worth proceeding with. this one is an infomercial.

Hopefully some of this will be of interest to you. Please keep us informed on how things are progressing.
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