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Old January 31st, 2011, 10:49 AM
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hazelrunpack hazelrunpack is offline
The Pack's Head Servant
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Location: Just east of the Hazelnut Patch, Wisconsin
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I have a Nikon D90--not sure how different the setting might be for you, Katkoota, but there is an S setting on the dial that stands for shutter speed. If I put my camera in 'S' mode, it allows me to pre-set the shutter speed. The camera still takes care of the focus, ISO and the aperture. If the light is low, you may need to bump up the ISO a bit (which is a separate setting on my camera--I have to do that through the menu). Still, I've found that if the shutter speed is faster than 1/800, I need a really bright sunny day to get a good image, even at higher ISOs. I'm primarily using a longer zoom lens with a fairly small max aperture--if your aperture is larger you can push the envelope a little more...
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