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Old January 19th, 2016, 12:09 AM
Lynne&Co. Lynne&Co. is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Lindsay, Ontario
Posts: 497
Ragnar is one lucky puppy to be rescued by you so congratulations on taking on such a busy pup.

As he's new to living in a house he will likely not understand it's not ok to toilet in the house. I would ensure he's never left unattended while in the house and perhaps leash him to your waist so that you can catch him as he starts to toilet. A firm NO and then lead him outside and tell him GO PEE and reward with GOOD BOY and a treat when he performs. A leashed walk first thing in the morning when he's got a full bladder will set him up for success and he will quickly learn to toilet on command. Once you return home he should be ok for a couple of hours as he's emptied himself during the walk.

Stealing food sounds pretty normal to me. If food is left out it must be for the dog right I personally feel this isn't a problem with the dog but rather with the humans. I've had many dogs of my own as well as various dogs I've boarded over the years and every last one of them would steal food that wasn't kept out of their reach. My Weim was so smart he would even bite the cupboard door knobs under the sink, back up to pull the door open and pick up the compost bucket by the handle then bring it to his bed for snacking

Gnawing on people's hands and feet sounds like he may playing. If he is hurting you then I would startle him with a sharp yell and then end the play. He needs to learn you will not play if he's too rough.

When you feed him I would give him 15 minutes with his food bowl and if he refuses to eat then take the food away until his next meal time. I'm assuming you feed him twice a day? If feeding only once a day, still offer his food twice until he starts eating regularly. Always have fresh water available though. He will eventually eat his food when he realizes nothing else is on offer.

I'm a bit concerned though about him becoming fearful when he comes out of his sleeping area. Did anything happen there that you know of? Perhaps he was scared of a noise or event you're not aware of? Is he ever sent in there for punishment or time out? Need more info here.

If you have him tethered to you it will be much easier to have him comply with your wishes which would help you in his training. Always talk to him during this time and even if your just walking from one room to another say COME RAGNAR or LETS GO RAGNAR. You can have him SIT/STAY while you do the dishes, etc.

Hope this helps. Good luck with your boy
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