Thread: Hedgehogs~
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Old June 20th, 2011, 10:38 AM
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Melinda Melinda is offline
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I'm pretty sure its genetic Hazel, they say its caused by interbreeding as in hegie mills, people were churning them out like crazy way back when, my first rescue came to me in a teeny kitten carrier where it lived 24/7, they used newspaper as a liter/bedding, only fed him dry cat he was a mess, he had a respitory illness and was soooo covered in feces and had urine burns on the bottom of his little feet and belly, you really aren't suppose to bath them but we had no choice with this one, he was so pitiful looking, scrawny to boot. took us about 3 months of hand feeding him mushed up meal worms and healthy stuff that by the time he was well I couldn't give him up for adoption, if anyone raised their voice he would close right up at the beginning, so he lived with us, hubs built me a two story condo for them, one on each floor, plexiglass on 3 sides and the two huge doors (whole front of the cage) opened, the door was all screened, they could smell each other but they both had their own space.
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