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Old March 16th, 2007, 12:36 AM
Prin Prin is offline
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Tomato pomace is a by-product. If it was really in there for the amino acids or whatever they always claim (usually lycopene), they'd put the whole tomato in there (like Innova does), but they don't, so it's just a cheap stool hardener. Take out all the juice and leave behind the skins, which are likely to have pesticide residue on them, not matter how much they deny that, and there you have pomace...

Some V8 for you, some left over pomace for your dog.

Or as eagle pack puts it:
The Pomace contains concentrated Lycopene, considered one of today’s premier antioxidants. Antioxidant benefits of Lycopene are improved with heat during the cooking process. Tomato Pomace is an excellent amino acid source. Used correctly it is an ideal fiber source. With its many benefits it is not a filler.

Some people talk about the value of using whole foods, in this case the entire tomato. There is no value in having tomato juice in pet food. There is a lot of value in having Tomato Pomace
How's that for the hard sell?

IMO, a by-product is a by-product. it's cheap because we've taken all the good stuff out of it, and we don't use it for ourselves, so we give it to the dogs.
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