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Old February 23rd, 2010, 11:30 AM
Longblades Longblades is offline
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Unless the second bitch's litter is a repeat breeding there is no way for the breeder to be sure of temperament for those puppies. Even then, puppies turn out differently amongst litter mates. All you can hope for is a guideline based on the breeder's observations.

Age 6 is not too old for a litter and age 4 is not too young, depending perhaps on the breed of the dog. Of more concern to you might be how closely together were the 4 litters bred of the older dog? Breeding on successive heats might mean puppies every 6 months for that dog. Opinion amongst breeders differs on whether successive heat breeding removes them from so-called "reputable" status. Some say OK, maybe once, some same never. Ditto for repeat breedings with the same parents. Some say it overpopulates the gene pool, others disagree.

It is also well within the realm of reality and "reputable" to have two litters at the same time. Perhaps the breeder is fortunate enough to have a source of income not dependant on full time work outside the home (retirement comes to mind) and can devote the time to puppies that others could not. There are many variables.

I think you need to consider that the word "reputable" has NO legal meaning as pertains to dogs and is only a compendium of commonly held beliefs. Those beliefs can vary tremendously between the parties involved. Use them as a guideline but don't get hung up if one is missed.

It sounds like you have done a lot of work on pedigree and clearances. Good for you. Do you have specific goals for this puppy? We did and that's why we have gone the purebred route. We wanted those health clearances.
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