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Old July 16th, 2009, 03:39 PM
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Lynne_B Lynne_B is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 76
What did you think when you first watched it? I'm curious to know how others interpret the body language. For me personally while training my dog I really had to focus on my own body language, like posture, tension, etc. I was slouching and had tensed shoulders all the time without even realizing it (until someone else pointed it out), so it's easy to overlook. Plus you don't get to see yourself a lot when out and about, so it's good when others can point out how something looks when you don't realize it yourself. Same for observing others, and other dogs. One of the biggest misunderstandings can occur when someone sees a dog with a wagging tail. Typically from what I've read and learned, it means a dog is interested in social interaction. That can mean play, or aggressive behaviour. Tail down can mean fear, or submission. Barking can be mean, or playful, depending on how you hear it, and whether or not you know other signs to look for.
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