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Old March 22nd, 2011, 12:00 PM
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hazelrunpack hazelrunpack is offline
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I do shoot mostly in RAW these days, but I'm thinking of going back to JPG Fine... RAW is so difficult to work with...but it might just be that I just got PhotoShop Elements and am having a hard time trying to figure it out. I get how to adjust photos, but I'm not sure how it's storing the files or where or if it's making copies... Anyone have any insight on how PSE handles files? How it does the housekeeping might make a big difference in how I want to catalog things... My biggest questions right now--does importing an image from a file create a new copy of the file or is it just linking to the image in the original file?

Second question: when you create a PSE album of images imported from an existing file is that created a new collection of images that you can access on your hard drive even if PSE is closed? Or is it just a set of links kept in PSE that point to the images in their original place on your hard drive?

Yes, I obsess over details like this, but PSE really seems to be impacting the performance of my machine and I'm hoping to tailor the process for speed.
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