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Old July 26th, 2019, 11:00 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Thunder Bay, ON
Posts: 462
Hi Hazel:

So what's happened to Grace? Is it a spot that she's licking at?

I've had a fair amount of experience using Colloidal Silver and it can be taken internally as well as applied topically.

Some questions.

What is the ppm count of the bottle you purchased? Does it have a colour? What brand is it? Who suggested you get it? How big is the infected area?

When it comes to taking it internally, I'm pretty picky on how it's made.

I can see no harm in using it topically about 3 times a day applied to the affected area. I put a very small amount in our cat's water when I'm filling their water fountain. It amounts to about 30 cc to 2 1/2 litres of water.

We use it for a wide range of things - cuts, stuff in the eyes, scrapes - and we take it ourselves as well as using it externally.

My first experience on the use of Colloidal from a knowledgeable person who does a lot of hunting, and he was a great believer in carrying it in his pack sack when he had his dogs in the bush hunting. He found it good for cuts and scrapes that the dogs would get and also excellent for problems such as going through tall grass for scratches on the dogs eyes when hunting birds. He also suggested using it in our own eyes and he found that the best all around Colloidal was 10 ppm's. By the way, he was my eye surgeon when I had Catarac surgery.

Can advise on dosage for a 35 pound dog once I know the answers to the above questions.
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