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Old April 25th, 2008, 01:27 PM
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sugarcatmom sugarcatmom is offline
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I wouldn't worry about the avocado. It's true that parts of the avodado are toxic to some animals (birds in particular, and dogs shouldn't eat the pits, and the leaves can be toxic to livestock), but the small amount in pet foods aren't going to be a problem. There's actually a cat food called Avoderm that's been around for a while which contains avocado and there's never been problems associated with it: You will find some websites saying "never feed any avocado to any animal!", but I think that's a touch of fear-mongering. Here's some more info:

As for the Addiction food, I did buy a can of the Brushtail when I was in the States a couple years ago, but for some reason I haven't fed it to my cat yet. Part of me didn't think he'd like it (he hates anything new) and part of me was worried that he would like it but I wouldn't be able to get him anymore because it wasn't available in Canada yet. So there it sits. Good to see their coming up north now (maybe one day it'll actually get to Western Canada ).
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