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Old April 1st, 2011, 06:12 PM
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ancientgirl ancientgirl is offline
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Originally Posted by diandpat View Post
OMG she is just beyond cute

I LOVE that your dog is smaller than your cats

Have there been any crateless encounters yet? How do you think it is going?

Growling/hissing/snapping from any of them?

Enjoy your menagerie...way too sweet
Yeah, Kiska is the smallest of the gang, and Sofie is smaller. Actually, she's stocky looking next to Kiska, but Kiska is weighing about 10 pounds and Sofie 6.

Sofie runs around loose in the morning, while I get ready for work. She's walked past the gang, like right in next to them and they just look at her and don't really do much. lol
There are only two rules at my house: House rule #1. Cats rule. House rule #2. See rule #1.
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