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Old March 28th, 2011, 06:55 PM
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ancientgirl ancientgirl is offline
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She's doing fine. I just took her out for a short walk, and she peed a little. I'll take her out again in about an hour, right before I lock up and go upstairs with them. Her crate isn't too huge. She's got room to have a little bed, and then a little room to walk, and she has plenty of standing space. When I got home today, she'd peed a little on the bed I left for her this morning. Not surprising, since when my dad's wife had her, I'd see many times pee stains on her bed, so she's likely used to soiling her surroundings.

I'm taking her out to pee as much as possible and praising her when she does. She hasn't pooped since Saturday though, but I'm guessing it's because she hasn't eaten all that much. I'm going to have to get a small bag of Pedigree, which is what she was eating and see if she'll eat a little of that with the food I got her.

She did eat a little in the morning though. I don't leave water in her crate during the day while I'm gone. I figured if i did, she'd drink and wind up peeing all over the crate.

I've got a small crate/carrier upstairs in the bathroom so she sleeps in there overnight. I leave the door open though, so she doesn't feel so alone. I'm hoping that between this week and then this weekend, I can get her trained a little better as far as the peeing. Once I'm more confident she won't just pee anywhere, I'll feel a little more comfortable letting her roam more freely.
There are only two rules at my house: House rule #1. Cats rule. House rule #2. See rule #1.
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