Thread: It's Earth Day!
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Old March 27th, 2011, 11:00 AM
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Apparently Toronto had the poorest response ever to earth hour.

We pay it no never mind here, it comes and goes unnoticed. We always try to conserve electricity, water, gas etc. Not because it's better for the earth, because the friggin stuff is so expensive thanks to paying for all of the green political task forces, green scientists, green power sources, etc to arrest climate change that is going to happen whether or not we do all of this stuff or not.

I use very few chemicals here and always have been careful about stuff I use for cleaners, fertilizers, gardening practices and what not as well as being very careful about what I pour down the drain. Always have, it's just common sense. If it's not good for the environment, it's not good for you. I don't need some high paid stuffed shirt to tell me about it.

End of rant.

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