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Old September 30th, 2010, 12:42 PM
driver8 driver8 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Winnipeg, Canada
Posts: 74
I think what's happening is so many more people have internet access and are using it to find places like this to ask questions. You're seeing them more and probably so are other sites. I know the medical type sites I read have the same thing - more people asking questions online.

The key is the "hook". Getting people to stay.

If you decide right off the hop that this person is "going to do what they want anyway" - you lose an opportunity. Because maybe they will continue to do what they want, for a while and then learn. Or maybe they will continue to do what they want on that issue, stay here and learn about some other aspect of pet care.

If they post their initial question and you don't approve of how they are raising their pet, and show it--- Responses that start with Ummmm and then a disagreement, or just plain old blunt disdain for their practice, for example - they will leave. They'll think poorly of this forum and the people here. Then they won't read any other threads or talk to people in the forum, get to know the people here and learn more. That's really too bad.

I've seen a lot of newbies that get less welcoming responses to their initial question and then don't post again. And I haven't been here that long.