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Old September 30th, 2010, 10:05 AM
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bendyfoot bendyfoot is offline
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Originally Posted by Frenchy View Post
Because infos are all over , and very easy to access. Take for example a certain thread ... shouldn't the owner have ask her vet (or anywhere on the net) what could happen to have an intact male and an intact female in the same house BEFORE adopting 2 large dogs from different sex and not have them neutered / spayed ?
They did a bit too late, but they're asking now

As for research ahead of time...yeah, maybe it would have been a good idea...but they were probably basing their decision to have a male and female in the house, with the intention of breeding, on what they've seen other people do or what they saw in their own homes growing up I was totally winging it at one point with my pets...monkey see, monkey doesn't make me a bad person, just uneducated at the time. Now I'm a research fanatic, but I wasn't always
Owned by:
Solomon - black DSH - king of kitchen raids (11)
Gracie - Mutterooski X - scary smart (9)
Jaida - GSD - tripod trainwreck and gentle soul (4)
Heidi - mugsly Boston Terrier X - she is in BIG trouble!!! (3)
Audrey - torbie - sweet as pie (11 months)
Patrick - blue - a little turd (but we like him anyways) (6 months)
Boo, our Matriarch (August 1 1992 - March 29 2011)
Riley and Molly