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Old September 30th, 2010, 06:19 AM
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bendyfoot bendyfoot is offline
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Originally Posted by luckypenny View Post

I think that unless someone is looking for particular info, it's really not that readily available to the general public as we'd like to think. I often wonder how many of "us" had come here for one reason or another and learned so much more by accident? I know I sure am one of them.
I think you hit on a very important point here. Many, if not most of us, have made mistakes in the past (hey, I've got a byb dog myself), and only through experience have we learned better ways to go about things with our animals. I think most of these threads are probably started by people who have good intentions and genuinely don't know the facts or alternatives. I think when we jump down their throats with accusations and hostile words, we lose any chance to educate them...hostility leads to closed defensiveness, not an openness to be taught.
Owned by:
Solomon - black DSH - king of kitchen raids (11)
Gracie - Mutterooski X - scary smart (9)
Jaida - GSD - tripod trainwreck and gentle soul (4)
Heidi - mugsly Boston Terrier X - she is in BIG trouble!!! (3)
Audrey - torbie - sweet as pie (11 months)
Patrick - blue - a little turd (but we like him anyways) (6 months)
Boo, our Matriarch (August 1 1992 - March 29 2011)
Riley and Molly