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Old January 29th, 2005, 05:16 AM
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Carina Carina is offline
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Originally Posted by fred04
Stomach acid will not eat away at the ear plug. I've seen what an ear plug looks like that has had to be surgically removed from a cats intestines.
A friend's Malamute ate part of a sponge dog toy. It stayed in her intestine for 5 weeks (nobody knew she'd eaten it) and she was fine the whole time. Then she got to feeling very poorly, I was at my friend's house & we were trying to figure out whether to go to the ER vet with the dog...she decided to wait until morning since it didn't seem to be an absolute emergency.
The next morning her dog was operated on & the foam peice was removed...fluid & air was slowly building up around the foam until it got painful.
It was still very recognizable as the toy it had been bitten off from, and she knew it had been five weeks because it was a toy at someone else's house they'd visited that long ago.
This happened about 3 weeks ago, $800.00 surgery and the silly dog is just fine now!

So....I would say a vet trip is most definitely a good idea! Hope everything comes out OK, as it were.
Cooper The WonderDog
Daphne The Destructo-Rott
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