Thread: The TJTwitter
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Old February 26th, 2010, 01:52 PM
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hazelrunpack hazelrunpack is offline
The Pack's Head Servant
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Could certainly by the weather but I can't believe you've been totally snubbed! Not even any house sparrows?!?

We're seeing signs of spring here. The size of the flocks continue to increase, and the purple finches (although seemingly shy of the camera) have been unabashedly singing their spring music. I actually found some grassy spots under the pines today (heard a bunch of doves go up and went to investigate ), although most of the rest of the ground is covered in a foot of snow.

This morning there were over 80 goldfinches under the feeders and chasing each other around the treetops, a smattering of purple finches (which have been pretty scarce this winter), woodpeckers and nuthatches bobbing along the tree trunks, and blue jays and doves skulking in the bushes. Of course, my counting days for the Cornell program are Wed and Thurs so I couldn't add them to my tallies How do they always know?

I hope the birds find your feeders soon, Winston! ' could always take Winston on another road trip and come on over to see ours. If you time it for mid-May, the warblers will be coming through! My favorite part of the birding season!
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