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Old December 8th, 2009, 05:01 PM
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Sib.HuskyMom Sib.HuskyMom is offline
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Jasper and Timber's first fish experience

I've been feeding the boys raw chicken and sorts on the weekends now, slowly introducing them to raw. They absolutely love it.

So in celebration of my birthday yesterday, I decided to try some raw fish for the first time. I don't know that I would call it a success, but it was pretty funny to watch.

I was all excited thinking about how much they were going to love it. I chopped into bit size pieces, put it in their bowl, and made them wait patiently until I said it was ok to eat. When I said the magic "ok" they rushed to their bowls, but were then pretty apprehensive about trying it.

They would sniff it, and then look back at me. Take a lick, and then look at each other. Then they would check out each other's bowl (which are only about an inch apart in the stand) as if to say "hey, did you get the same crap I did?"

Needless to say, not exactly the reaction I was hoping for or expecting.

So I raided the fridge looking for something more tasty that I could mix in there for them. I decided to make it into a "soup" by added in a raw egg to each bowl. It looked completely gross .
However, they seemed to like it much better and gobbled up.

The funniest part was a few minutes later while my husband and I were eating our dinner. Jasper and Timber were sitting side by side and decided to start licking each other's mouths which must have still tasted like fish. It was kinda gross, and kinda cute, all at the same time.

Yep, that's my boys!
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