Thread: Charlie is sick
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Old September 7th, 2009, 09:57 AM
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Okay, I'm on the phone now. They did do a PLI test and it came back normal, so basically they're not suspecting pancreatitis at this time. He's doing well, he's eating off and on, and using his litter box. He did vomit again, and they do have him on pepcid, among other things (the vet tech said). Is pepcid bad??

The other thing the tech mentioned is that his respiratory rate has been elevated. The vet yesterday said it could have something to do with finding the right balance of fluids to give him to keep him hydrated (if I understood correctly). But again, this is the second time they've mentioned an elevated respiratory rate. Does anyone know what this might mean? I know it's another symptom of pancreatitis, but I guess it's been ruled out, so what else could be causing it? Is it a cause for concern?

The vet was busy so she's supposed to call back to tell me where we go from here. We were supposed to discuss ultrasound and feeding tubes if there was no improvement, but I don't know just how much improvement they needed to see...
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