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Old April 10th, 2009, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by sugarcatmom View Post
A quick trip to the vet for some blood work would rule out any of the usual conditions that can result in an increased appetite, like diabetes or hyperthyroid. I can't remember, when was the last time Forest had a senior wellness exam?
He has never had one to my knowledge. And when I did want him to have one the vet said he didn't think he needed one So I have yet to find a good vet, but have narrowed it down to 2. The other part is my bf thinks I worry too much and that he's fine...

How long can raw food be left out by itself? Has anyone had a bad experience with the lamb formula? GPF only had one bag of chicken and me thinking since they like the chicken they would like any kind. But I think my worst nightmare has come true. Buying a full size bag of lamb and they aren't eating it :sad: I notice it's a lot tougher than the chicken and I have to kind of shred it in chunks for them to eat it. There was some throw up this morning, 3 shoe lengths...

Do you think putting drops of Bach flower essences is making the food disagree with them? I think I will try no drops for a few days to see if that picks up there appetite.

Happy Good Friday!

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