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Old April 6th, 2009, 04:49 PM
bluequeen bluequeen is offline
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 50
Originally Posted by BenMax View Post
Hi BlueQueen - you asked for advise and I think you got some pretty sound advice by many people who are cat savvy, those in rescue that foster and those that foster for rescues/shelters. Not to be rude, but take it or leave it. You have been provided very good insight on how to manage this.

Best of luck to you and the cats.
Sorry but I do think that was slightly rude. I have yet to tell any body that their advice is wrong or not valuable all I wanted is to see if there are different ways to approach this without having to have one cat locked up for an entire week. Yes I realize it's going to do them no harm but both of these cats strive on human affection and I just don't think locking one away for that long is fair.
I have no problems locking one away while the other roams and sniffs it all out and giving the other one something of mine to sniff out while its locked up and yeah they can sniff eachother under the door. I just don't want this to be a week or more long process, I'm going to be stressed enough as it is.
I just find it hard to believe that every person that takes in foster cats/dogs etc does this whole multi-week long ritual to introduce cats. I'm not saying its wrong by any means I just like to have options to choose from and everyone is making is seem like I don't.
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