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Old April 3rd, 2009, 03:18 PM
bluequeen bluequeen is offline
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 50
I think this is the plan....

So in less then a month I'm moving in with the bf..he has a 15 year old cat that's indoor and outdoor and I have my four year old indoor cat. My cat currently lives with another one and of course his cat comes across different cats outside so they aren't completely unsocialized.
Unfortunately due to the size of the house, rooms etc we don't really have the option to do the seperate cats in different rooms etc.
When me and my current roommate had introduced a third cat a while back mine and hers had a HUGE blow out, I'm pretty sure the biggest mistake we made was breaking them up when they were fighting because they never got along after that and her cat ended up having to go to her moms. Mine was also not fixed at the time so more territorial then most.

So my gf who is a vet tech said literally take the two cats stick them in a neutral room and leave them for a day. The bathroom is basically the only room in the house the bf's cat doesn't really go in which I'm thinking may work because atleast one can jump up on the counter if they want to. She did this with her two cats and they completely love eachother now...

Any one ever done this? Just let them get it over with. I think about my horse and it's really no different then when we introduce horses, put them in a field and they sort it all out pretty quickly..
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