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Old December 11th, 2008, 04:31 PM
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Blackdog22 Blackdog22 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2008
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Posts: 202
To the person who claims to have left their meat out too long so their dog got sick;
- sorry, that's absolute poppycock. A dog's stomach is 50% hydrochlorlic acid. Your dog could easily eat 3 week old, sunbaked road kill and STILL wouldn't get sick.
There is a good chance that your dog was ill to begin with and would have gotten sick anyways

MerlinsHope, you seem to have mis-read my post. If you were to go back and re-read you will see that I did not state the meat being left out was the is speculated to be a factor. Of course my vet could have been freaking me out as she was very anti-raw and I know biases do come into play. As far as I know, there are no known causes for gastric entritis?

Anyway, point Im trying to make is, I did not make my post in attempt to mislead people and I am very sorry if I did. I simply wanted to share my experience feeding the food.
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