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Old December 10th, 2008, 02:47 PM
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ashtoreth ashtoreth is offline
Husky Addict
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Posts: 232
He has more than 45 minutes of exercise in the morning, and even more in the evening, we go at the dog park (with other huskies and big dog friends, I avoid the place when theres too much problematic owners -_-;, but I wont go on that subject just yet) We usually spend 1:30/2h in the dogpark, never less than 1:30h, but he gets tired after a while and we walk home (note : we usually jog there too and train him (leash training, we're starting the more sledding commands this weekend actually ^^) then we go back home/groceries, we eat, and he has another walk/jog after, before we go to bed (also gives him time for his business)

So yea, it's really not the lack of exercise :S
The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
~Mohandas Gandhi

Titus - Siberian Husky
Lex - hairless rat
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