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Old December 4th, 2008, 07:22 AM
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Britt Desnoyers Britt Desnoyers is offline
New Parent
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Burlington, Ontario
Posts: 57
After speaking to the breeder, we bagan to think..."somethings up" it didn't feel right. As well as the price 900 smack-a-roonies just seemed like a heafty price. So in the end we decided not to and promised myself when I'm older and have my own place I will get one.

So in the meanwhile I reasearch shealters and soon enough I came across the Mississaga Humane Society, they don't have a shelter and are trying raise money for one, are in a crisis mode needing homes for all animals, weather foster or adoptions. Then I came across this

I fell in love! She was perfect in every way.
I am happy to say as of tuesday November 2nd I adopted cute little Jacoush (now known as Lumi, which means little light or little guiding light, romanian of course)

It took her a little while to adjust and get used to the house, and was very skiddish of me, but now were insepratable, she even loves me to stuff her in my sweater and just falls asleep in there. I am also in the heafty process of leash training.

At night she is a little restless and takes a while to calm down but usually falls asleep in my arms or cruled around my neck. I am in total love with her and find yself thinking at times "wow...she's actually mine!"

As well as if you adopt a kitten from the Mississauga Humane Society when you get them spayed or nuetered you get a rebate of 100 dollars
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