Thread: chihuahua
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Old December 29th, 2003, 04:28 PM
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Luba Luba is offline
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You are constantly contradicting yourself, are you aware of that.

There was absolutely no NEED for you to get your dog pregnant NONE!!!

Obviously you had this as an intention because you did not get her spayed, nor did you encourage your neighbour to have their dog neutered.

We read what you wrote, so we are understanding only what you portray to us.

What you are portraying is an irresponsible pet owner who is adding to the population of dogs. There are hundreds if not thousands of puppies and dogs contenent wide that need homes.

This was not a necessity was it? We just cannot comprehend why you did it, it makes no sense.

Most of us are animal activists to some extent, we shelter, foster, raise, care for and volunteer and work at shelters or the like. WE see the effects of what you are doing.

You may think you may find a good home for the pups, but you have no way of knowing 3/4 years down the road if they decide they don't want the dog anymore because (here are the common excuses)

#1 - marital / relationship break up
#2 - moving somewhere where they cant' take a pet
#3 - having children, no more time for dog
#4 - have children, scared dog will bite them
#5 - our lives are hectic now and we no longer have time
#6 - the dog is becoming too expensive, we can't keep it
#7 - job placement causing me to move and relocate out of country
#8 - got a new pet and they dont' get along
#9 - My new boyfriend/husband/wife/girlfriend is allergic
#10 - The dog is messing in the house, annoying the neighbours or too needy.

So say as much as you like about finding good homes, I see it ALL the time people surrendering their pets they have had for YEARS and YEARS!! For foolish insignificant things.

At one time, I had temperarly boarded and cared for 20 chihuahuas and pomerainens that were "supposed to be fixed" for a rescue opperation. Then puppies started to appear.

You didn't think of CHECKING and without knowing you allowed them to be mixed together?

I hope YOU are NOT educating people because you still need to be educated yourself. We have no high horses just high standards of what people should be doing that they are not.

Think of all the chi' pups that are already here on this earth needing homes NEEDING is key! You created a situation that was not necessary!

Then you go on to say you are not a breeder? BUT you bred your dog? You want to help and educate but you add to the problem?

Isn't this like the tobacco companies donating money to the Heart and Stroke and Lung Associations. Why can't u see that?
Cats only have nine lives because they stole them from dogs!Teehee
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