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Old July 19th, 2008, 11:19 PM
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Big Dog Mom Big Dog Mom is offline
Maxx & Maggie's Mommy
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Louisville, Colorado
Posts: 41
Originally Posted by Goldens4Ever View Post
The carbohydrate content in a food makes a significant difference, not only in weight loss, but other areas too.

Carbs are sugars that are placed in fat stores unless they're burned & turned into energy. Dogs bodies should rely upon protein & fat for energy - not carbs. Remove the grains (carbs) & the weight falls off, if appropriately calculated for weight loss.
THIS MAKES TOTAL SENSE TO ME. I just personally lost 60 pounds, and the way I did it was cutting out pretty much all carbs and all sugar. So if that worked for me, I can see how it could work for Maggie as well. I honestly believe that if I was feeding Maggie the same quantity of Wellness Senior as I am now feeding her J/D, I think she would have dropped a little weight by now.

Case in point is that I have NOT reduced her brother's kibble quantity and switched him over to J/D as well, and I think he may actually have put on a few pounds - he's going to the doc for a checkup on Wednesday, too, so if he gained weight, that will be all the evidence I need to go back to Wellness Senior, unless you guys think there is a better kibble-base.

Oh, BTW, my friend's dog is on J/D, and they just raised their prices. She paid almost $73 USD for a 30 pound bag this week. That is just ridiculous. Wellness Senior is about $53 USD.
Marcia, Maxx and Maggie's Mom
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