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Old February 15th, 2008, 03:17 PM
Degree Degree is offline
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Originally Posted by Writing4Fun View Post
IMO there's no difference, since the end result is that an animal (2 animals, actually) died because of a human being's negligence. I do believe there was negligence involved, since the cage was insufficient to hold the animal in question. I think the owner might feel that he is running an actual sanctuary ... but is it truly a "sanctuary" if the animals are not in proper habitats? I'm sure he loves his animals and feels he is doing the best he can, but how often have we seen on this board alone that "the best you can" is not always good enough?
He has had many animals live there for years and years. He never had a animal escape before, this was the first time. Have you ever had one of your dogs escape? or cats?mistakes are bound to happen over time, you think a animal has never escaped the zoo? Do you know Nanda Guha your self? have you seen how he ran his zoo? have you seen how his cages were build? I dont think you know much about his zoo, once again I say people should not talk about things they dont know details. I helped feed those animals and run the farm for over 2 years, I helped build some of the cages. He cared his best and took good care of his animals. For the people who say " he was trying to make a buck " That is BS, he put more money into those animals then he ever made, the little bit of money he made went towards helping the animals. The cages were build strong and legal hight. Like I said before, This was the first time anything like this has happened over the many years he have had these animals. You all need to stop judging if you dont know Nanda, and if you havnt seen his farm first hand. I seen it for over 2 years of helping him, and I know more then anyone here, it was a freak accident.
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