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Old February 11th, 2008, 11:53 PM
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Gibbons Gibbons is offline
Preplanning makes success
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Ottawa
Posts: 121
Yeah, I'm looking into upgrading the food we're using. We've been using mid-line stuff (again- horrid with names and I'm too lazy to trek to the kitchen to see what we're feeding him - the can is pink though!) I had hoped he would not throw this stuff up, though, because I sent hubby out to get 2-3 cans of the food, and he came home with the bulk pack of 12 cans. Sigh.

He threw it up again today, so.. we'll have to get better stuff, I suppose. I guess it's possible its the kibble/ wet combo. I've been leaving out less dry food - when it's low, he eats less of it so there will always be food in the dish until I refill it. That way, he can keep coming back to snack on it. Smarty pants cat is what he is.

We're back to trial and error, either way. Less dry food with more and better wet food. I'll keep you posted, and thanks for the tips!
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