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Old February 1st, 2008, 04:48 PM
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chico2 chico2 is offline
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I was going to say the same as Luskentyre,I don't post here,because I have no experience with what your cats suffer,no advuce to give.
But kudos to you for not giving up on your kitties
Reading about the ansthesia and teethcleaning and the affect on Catb-lus cat,makes me a little leery to have my Rockys teeth cleaned next month,he is 12 and has Hyper-Thyroidism.
I've never heard of this happening before

By the way,Roccoisus,your kitties are beautiful,which one is Rocco??
"The cruelest animal is the Human animal"
3 kitties,Rocky(r.i.p my boy),Chico,Vinnie
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