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Old January 14th, 2008, 07:42 PM
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dtbmnec dtbmnec is offline
The demons' servant
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Guelph, Ontario
Posts: 779
Well some bad news

It seems like it was a urinary block all along. The cat had GONE pee just BEFORE I took him to the vet.

Ah well.

So I came home from work to a very sick kitty who layed there and did nothing (even for Pawz). So off to the vet I went.

So a day or so without the little fuzzbutt and he should be right as rain when he comes home.


P.S. Wait...this STILL means I need to give him pills don't I?
My cute little demons:
Leo - male, kitten, April 15th 2006
Pawz - male, kitten, April 5nd 2006
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