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Old October 19th, 2007, 02:43 AM
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growler~GateKeeper growler~GateKeeper is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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L4H - check the DOG food aisle for the Evo 95% Beef & 95% Venison cans . The catfood of these is not yet availble in but the dogfood is & it's the same thing.

I went to the store branch in Vanc which is a larger store than the one in my city - when I talked to the girl there she mentioned because it is 95% meat the dog & cat food is the same thing. This store gets everything the second it hits Canada & she didn't know the catfood was on their website - so I don't think it is available yet here. But the DOG food is.

I did mention to her my cat has CRF so I was wondering if the phos level would be the same I just compared everything in the nutrient analysis - it is EXACTLY the same right down to the phos/calcium/ even the taurine.

I have read on another cat forum one of the members there buys (don't know what brand) the large cans of dogfood for her cats (who do NOT have any health issues) cuz it's the same & it's cheaper
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