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Old March 6th, 2007, 06:09 PM
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Dog Dancer Dog Dancer is offline
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Marie-Eve, I know just how you feel as my girl Halo does this also. Exactly the same type thing. And like Buster it's so random. I really do try not to worry about it though. It doesn't seem to distress her, she just likes to come and cuddle a wee bit, but then she always likes that. The vet really had no suggestions when I had her in about it. I figure as long as she's not losing her bladder control and such and not falling down or flailing around, it's just head tremors (yeah just...). She can go a year between episodes then have three in a month then nothing again for a year. It's been so long now (hope I haven't jinxed her) and nothing. So try not to get too stressed. It's been a while since Buster had this hasn't it (sorry I forgot to look back before posting). Good luck with it though and hugs for both you and Buster.
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