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Old February 7th, 2007, 08:16 AM
aloneinluv aloneinluv is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 9
Unhappy Shedding may cause me to give up my dog ...


I love Rocky. He is a 1 year old purebred German Shepherd with light eyes and a heart of gold. I run my own business and have 2 kids and precious little time. My husband loves the dog but is unable to handle the hair everywhere. To be honest, neither can I. I bought the "furminator" to try and help and it has done precious little to the condition of my home. My kids can't be kids, they cannot get down on the floor to play because moments after cleaning, the place is covered in a layer of hair.

WE have hardwood throughout and radiant heating, which means no furnace, no air circulation, no filter to remove ANY hair.

I am at my wits end and my marriage can only take so much arguing. As much as I love my pet, I value my marrriage more, forgive me for saying that. Rocky was bought for me. My husband isn't really a pet person, but bless his soul, he's a wife person and new that it meant a lot to me.

I have 2 acres of land and I want to know if I can switch Rocky to being an outdoor dog? Is it ok for him to be crated inside on days with a major cold warning or is that cruel?

Anyone with any advice, please help or I will be positing in a different forum too soon.

