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Old December 13th, 2006, 08:37 PM
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technodoll technodoll is offline
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my original post was disagreeing with a statement that raw foods are not allergenic while cooked ones are. in a truly allergic dog or human, they will both be misinterpreted by the immune system as an invader.
ok - so explain to me how dogs allergic to certain meats in kibble or cooked, can eat them fine in a raw state (have no allergic reactions) this is not theory, this "phenomena" happens all the time.

therefore, simply feeding a raw diet in my view doesn't "cure" or "solve" allergy problems, but feeding a raw diet devoid of the individual's allergenic foods can. the same goes for a kibble.
i respectfully disagree, see above for why.
"Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine"

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