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Old December 13th, 2006, 03:19 PM
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Scott_B Scott_B is offline
Rosco, Raw Fed & LOVES IT
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 1,268
Actually, yeah, they did and still do. Not about the SG, but about holistic food in general, and I've learned to back off.

A lot of raw feeders feel like techno does, and that's fine. But you have to remember, even when you're talking to another raw feeder here, there are other people reading.
But you defended why you thought it was a great food. I see no fault in that. And some people just like to knit pick.

As for the others who read this forum. So? I'm all for new people who come on and ask, "whats this raw you speak of, and why is it so great?"

No one has said if you feed kibble, you hate your pet. And I don't believe for a second anyone on here feels that way. If you seriously feel that way then you have guilt issues. I've seen Techno recomend different kibbles all the time.

As I said, I feed raw because its the best thing for my pup, and I would do anything for him. If I feed kibble, it would be because I love my pet and its what I felt is best for him. Goes both ways.

Kibble feeders just seem to get upst that raw feeders say these things, even though kibble feeders say it all the time. They feel they have to defend their kibble and so they get defensive and think the raw feeders think they dont love their pets. And its just not true!

lol that was long winded..hope it made sense

PS, I hate grouping into two parties raw vs kibble feeders. We're all pet lovers and thats what counts!
Please please please give Maggie the steak! Its not too big for her little mouth!

Their impression of power is remarkable. They give one the feeling of immense reserves of energy, of great reservoirs of knowledge, of tolerance of disposition, obstinacy of purpose, and tenacity of principle. They are responsive, and they have a lot of quiet, good sense.

-J. Wentworth Day, from The Dog in Sport, 1938

Last edited by Scott_B; December 13th, 2006 at 03:24 PM.