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Old November 4th, 2006, 08:55 PM
barkley21 barkley21 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 198
Barkley is approximately 37 pounds right now at 6.5 months old and he is estimated to be 60-65 pounds full grown. We're actually trying to 'plump' him up right now because he's a little too skinny-minny. Our vet wants to see him again in two weeks because last time we were there, he weighed Barkley and he hadn't gained a single pound in 3 weeks...and he's a growing puppy The vet said that that is not uncommon when dog's get switched to raw because raw isn't a very high calorie diet, so he recommended we increase his feedings and to come back in three weeks time to see how he is. We know he has already gained at least 2 pounds which is a good thing and must mean we're doing okay. Luckily, Barkley is not picky at all and :love: his raw food, so we've been giving him extra food to bulk him up like green lamb tripe (almost everyday) in addition to his meat and raw bones as well as whole organic eggs, chicken necks, and as treats we give him all natural bison jerky and dried chicken hearts. We want to start feeding him fish as well. Based on your guidelines, I guess one medium sized fish should be enough for a meal.
I don't know why, but I feel weird about giving him a whole fish. I'm not squeamish about meat at all, but for some reason the thought of him tearing a fish open and then eating the head, eyeballs, teeth and all, really grosses me out! Maybe it's because the fish has a face as opposed to a hunk of chicken carcass
Viola and the furkids
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