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Old October 31st, 2006, 08:41 PM
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BMDLuver BMDLuver is offline
Teddy's Canine Railroad
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Oxford Mills, Ontario
Posts: 3,996
I'm sorry, this may sound harsh but why the heck would you have a cat after he killed the first one.. do not, I repeat do not, get another cat. This dog will always kill cats and he may decide eventually to do the Jack Russell in as well. I would suggest when you are not home to not leave them together unattended. This dog is not safe to be around other animals so please don't take the chance. He may be very sweet and lovely but the next animal he kills may not be yours and then that will be his demise as most pet owners would insist a dog that has a history of killing cats to be put down. Please don't put him in that position.
"For every animal that dies in a shelter, there is someone somewhere responsible for its death".