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Old September 22nd, 2006, 05:54 PM
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Originally Posted by SuperWanda
I thought absolute protein and % protein were different????

I think I'm going to burst a brain cell here people!!!!
they are in the sense that, while absolute protein may not change, depending on the other stuff, % protein might.

Absolute protein is simply, how many grams there are. But % protein is how many grams of protein relative to how much the entire thing weighs.

So a raw 100g chicken breast has: Absolute=23 grams Percent=23%
But then you cook it, and it loses water, so it now weighs 85 grams (let's just say)
so it has: Absolute=(still) 23 grams Percent=% (23/90*100=26)
A cooked 100g chicken breast has: Absolute=31 grams Percent=31%
But before it was cooked, it weighed 130 grams (let's just say)
so it had Absolute=(still) 31 grams Percent=24%
(these estimations of pre and post cooking weights aren't accurate, because they should, in theory equal out to always be the same %protein for all the pre-cooked and then for all the pos-cooked breasts, but this is just for the sake of explanation)
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