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Old May 8th, 2006, 02:58 PM
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Daisy_Mae Daisy_Mae is offline
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I was naive when I got my first rescue dog and took her to the dog park thinking it was going to be all fun and games..boy was I wrong.

Her name is Daisy and she now stays home when I go with our other dog Charlie. I thought it would be fun for her but it was too much and her having dominance aggression she tends not to deal well with be approached nose to nose or in any invasive manner. She won't hurt a dog but she will growl and lung and frankly I don't think that's fair for me to expect other people and their dogs to put up with that. There are people who have dogs that are not suited to a dog park but they still bring them and it’s upsetting for everyone.

It sounds like you dog would not be comfortable in a dog park, I know we all want to have social dogs that play with all types of dogs in all different situations but that’s not reality and I learned that the hard way (there is a bit of gossip going around about me and my “aggressive dog”). Instead, I do things for my girl Daisy that makes her happy. Long walks just me and her, playtime with dogs I know she likes and car rides. She also does very well at doggy daycare under more controlled conditions.

My advice would be to never push your dog to do what makes them uncomfortable. I would try one dog at a time as suggested above
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