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Old January 19th, 2006, 12:54 AM
Prin Prin is offline
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Originally Posted by coppperbelle
I received an e-mail yesterday that said the recall had been extended to Kirkland and Chicken Soup. Don't know if there is any truth to this but I wouldn't take a chance.
Originally Posted by Writing4Fun
Here's the answer I got from Costco about their Kirkland brand food and the recall:

"Good morning Vicky,

The recent recall by Diamond foods does not affect the Kirkland
Signature Canadian Dog Food. Our dog food is manufactured in different
plants and is subject to more detailed testing and specifications due to
extensive safety laws in Canada.

Thank you,
Jennifer M. Bennett
Costco Wholesale Canada
(I removed the contact information, just in case)"
Who do we believe?! I'm glad my doggies are on Solid Gold... (knock on wood)
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