Thread: Sheltie Lost
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Old November 6th, 2005, 07:57 PM
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Luba Luba is offline
Sadie's Chefomatic
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Ontario Canada
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Some people think this is odd or strange but sometimes it works...

Use or borrow a portable BBQ or coleman some hamburger and hot dogs....

Go to the LAST KNOW area she was in and TAKE ANOTHER DOG with her that she KNOWS and is friends with!!!

RUB a towel ALL OVER that dog get it's scent and even let the dog urinate on the towel (gross I know)

Tie a rope to the towel and drag it behind you walking EVERYWHERE and anywhere but ALWAYS leading back to the SAME place.

IF you know or have a friend or someone that lives in that area before you leave .....give them the towel and rub your friends dog with it again.

THIS HAS to be a dog your dog knows and likes.

Anyways if not a dog you can rub the towel all over YOU OR wear a pair of same socks for a couple of days and do this with the socks.

Leave either towel or socks with the person who lives closest....have them go back there daily and do the same thing....if the dog smells the same smell there every day it will return. AND ALWAYS leave food and WATER there ALWAYS!!!!!

NOW the BBQ session, set it up and start cooking stay there for a few hours, camp out and let the smell whaf the air. CALL out to your dog in a happy loving voice...tell her to come get COOKIES or whatever word you know that she knows for food. Do this often and LOUDLY...and keep walking around with that towel dragging behind you OR the socks from a rope make sure it makes contact to the ground. Take food with you drop pieces of food in trails ALWAYS leading back to the same spot. Try not to use kibbles, use something stinky like meatballs or pieces of cooked hot dogs.

Best of luck if you have any questions let me know I wish I were closer to help you.

God Bless
Cats only have nine lives because they stole them from dogs!Teehee

Last edited by Luba; November 6th, 2005 at 11:10 PM. Reason: spelling doh
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