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Old March 7th, 2004, 12:14 PM
Lucky Rescue Lucky Rescue is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 10,287
Talking "Autumn" is officially home!

I trapped this petite and beautiful calico last fall, along with her litter of drop-dead gorgeous kittens. The kittens were snapped up, but their mother was wild as a fox and didn't appear to making any progess although I used my best taming techniques.

I've had her on my Petfinder site since Sep,and no takers. She has improved a bit, but I have decided the right home for her (one that would love her for what she is) is not out there, so she is joining the gang - her grown kitten (ex-feral) and Chloe - and will live out her life with me.
Welcome home Autumn!
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