Thread: Hi, I'm Emma.
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Old April 12th, 2021, 10:38 AM
Emma's_mum Emma's_mum is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2021
Location: Alberta
Posts: 1
Smile Ever wonder what happened to Emma

Just in case anyone ever wondered what happened to Emma, she turns 13 today. She is still much loved, slower and stiffer than she was but still enjoys her walks through the neighbourhood. Still goes 4 times a day even if they are slower and shorter than they used to be. She spent 8 years as the best therapy dog I ever had, visiting seniors, children and special adult nights a TELUS Spark through a program called PALS, bringing joy and sharing her love, a true ambassador for her breed. She shares the house and her heated dog bed, (which we got for her when getting up on our bed got to be too much for her) with 2 cats. I have a hard time making birthdays special for her because her life is filled with hugs, toys and probably too many treats everyday.
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