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Old September 27th, 2017, 07:23 PM
Silverwind Silverwind is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: BC
Posts: 107
Why did Blub die?

As a surprise for when she came home from cadet camp in August, I bought my teenage daughter a Betta fish. We housed him in a 1 gallon beverage dispenser that looked like a mason jar. We cleaned his tank every 3 days or so and fed him one or two granules of Betta food, and would scoop out any granules he didn't eat. We found it difficult to keep his tank warm enough, but we kept Michaela's room quite warm to keep his water at around 21 degrees celcius. He had a little light that we turned on in the morning and off at night, and a thermometer to keep track of water temp. He seemed to be doing well, even up until this morning it looked like he was starting to build a little bubble nest around the thermometer-Michaela said she saw him blowing bubbles at it, and there were a few bubbles there. And then he is dead this evening
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