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Old March 7th, 2016, 07:34 AM
Longblades Longblades is offline
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Sometimes adding more fibre to the food bulks up the stool and helps to express the anal glands with each poop. If the food agrees with them otherwise then it might be worthwhile trying an additive to do that, keep the food they are used to. Pumpkin is commonly used for that purpose. You have to be very careful, same as when we add fibre to our diets, too much too soon can make stool loose. I suggest you try Sweet Potato, cooked first. SP has the added bonus that it is 6 x higher in fibre than pumpkin so you would need very little. You have small dogs so being able to add only a little bit of food would be a bonus.

Now, the big question, how much to add? Well, sorry, I don't know. When we had diarrhoea issues my dog's meal was half sweet potato. That's not your problem though. I would say start small, too much would be far worse than too little. Maybe a tsp per meal? Two meals a day? Hopefully someone with small dogs will come along to say.
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